Ninety years ago (1934), a great battle took place between striking workers and the police and National Guard along the waterfront alongside the piers of San Francisco’s Embarcadero.
Walk with Harvey Smith
This walk will explore Berkeley's "New Deal nexus" that includes Post Office art, Berkeley High School, the Community Theater, Civic Center Park, and the old Farm Credit Building.
Walk - In 1968, David Schooley chained himself to a bulldozer at the foot of the San Bruno Mountain. The activism of David and many other community members was crucial in protecting much of the mountain....
Walk with Harvey Smith - The McGee-Spaulding District could be considered a hotbed of Berkeley 1960s radicalism and counterculture given the number of noted activists and alternative living communities located in the neighborhood.
Walk with Gifford Hartman
This year is the 78th anniversary of the Oakland General Strike.
This walk will revisit the sites of Oakland’s “Work Holiday” that spontaneously began with rank-and-file solidarity with the striking, mostly women retail clerks at Kahn’s and Hastings department stores.
San Francisco has a rich political and labor history that is also connected to its buildings. In this history-by-the-buildings walk, Brad Wiedmaier will outline artifacts and events, and their connections to San Francisco’s past and present.
Join the best labor maritime boat trip in the world as we go to historical sites on the bay and the Oakland container port. This is the 90th anniversary of the San Francisco General Strike.