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Keep Hope Alive! Moving Forward in Challenging Times

ILWU Local 34 Hall 801 2nd Street, San Francisco

Music by The Rockin’ Solidarity Chorus
Featuring tunes old and new in four-part harmony, the show focuses on inspiring individuals and the movements that unite them.


Oakland 1946 General Strike Walk

Zoom CA

Walk with Gifford Hartman
This walk will revisit the sites of Oakland’s “Work Holiday” that spontaneously began with rank-and-file solidarity with the striking, mostly women retail clerks at Kahn’s and Hastings department stores, where picket lines were broken by police-escorted scabs.


City College Public Art Walk

50 Frida Kahlo Way 50 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco

Walk with Amy O’Hair
City College of San Francisco Ocean Campus was planned and built to include art works by WPA artists. See the numerous works and hear stories of the artists who created them. We’ll visit all the major pieces and some hidden treasures that need restoration.