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Bread & Roses Labor History Story Telling with Retired Union Members

Come to share an inspiring labor event or leader in your life. It could be in San Francisco or elsewhere in the U.S.A. or the world. Photos, news clippings, prose, and poems are welcome.

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Treasure Island – by SF Mime Troupe

SF Mime Troupe's play - Using the classic pirate novel Treasure Island as its inspiration the show is the story of Hawkins, a civil servant in San Francisco, who accidentally stumbles upon the plans of a developer, L.J. Silver. ...developing Treasure Island for his own greed.

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Labor History: The Longshoremen’s And General Strikes Of 1934

Join Park Ranger Peter Kasin in the Visitor Center for a talk on what was the largest strike in West Coast history, and on its famed strike leader Harry Bridges.

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Union Time at Anchor Steam

Workers at Anchor Brewing Company in San Francisco have joined ILWU Local 6 and are fighting for a union contract. We will be having a gathering at the Tasting Room of Anchor Public Taps in Potrero Hill in San Francisco.

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San Francisco General Strike

Join the walk with Gifford Hartman and Jack Heyman.
Eighty-five years ago at this location, a great battle took place by workers and residents of San Francisco against the police and National Guard.

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The San Francisco Comfort Women Memorial And Lessons For Today

Presentation - Join Comfort Women Justice Coalition leader Judith “Mirk” Murkson who is also with the Lawyers Guild who will provide a history of the monument and what it means today.

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Labor History Bike Tour

Four-hour bike tour by Chris Carlsson
From the pre-urban history of Indian Slavery to the earliest 8-hour day movement in the U.S., the ebb and flow of class war is traced.

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$15 – $50

1987: When The Day Comes

Film - This dramatic film tells the story of the mass June democracy movement in 1987, when students began to protest the military government, and student activist Park Jong-chul was murdered by the police followed by a cover-up.

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Building Solidarity on the Tracks, 1877–1892

Book reading by David Walters
Eugene Debs is one of the most important working class leaders in the history of the United States, yet most working people have never heard of him. He was in the 1877 national railway strike. He organized the Pullman strike, and he was convicted and served 6 months in prison.

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Corporatization of Our Community Colleges And Their Future

The growing downsizing of San Francisco Community College by the Rocha administration is not unique. Through privatization plans of online education, which is getting hundreds of millions to replace professors, and the Student Success Taskforce, California’s community colleges face a frontal attack.

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Beyond the Controversy: The George Washington High School Murals and the Removal of Public Art

The controversy over the Victor Arnautoff murals at George Washington High School brings to San Francisco the public discourse over public art that is interpreted to portray, or actually glorifies, a narrow Eurocentric view of history.

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The Gig Economy, AI, Robotics, Workers and Dystopia San Francisco

San Francisco is now a world center of tech, yet the workers are under extreme stress and face nightmare conditions with no worker or union rights. Has capitalism gone wild and is this the permanent dystopian world or can working people and our unions transform this city and society? These are some of the questions that will be addressed in this event.

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UNION TIME! Why Workers Are Joining Unions and Their Fight for Worker Rights

More and more workers in San Francisco and throughout the country have had enough on the job and are joining unions to collectively stand up for their rights. Workers from Anchor Steam Brewery and VCA will talk about how and why they decided to join a union and what this means to all working people.

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Fukushima, The Olympics and Labor

With Film Screening of “The Olympics In Fukushima, Are You Criminally Insane?”
This forum will hear in the film from workers in Fukushima ..... We will also hear about those who are fighting to expose the massive propaganda campaign by the government and the Olympic Committee to whitewash the continuing dangers.

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The US & Global Fight Against Privatization & Outsourcing

This conference will discuss how workers from all public service unions can come together for education and a national political education campaign to stop privatization and outsourcing.
This conference will have reports on privatization and outsourcing in San Francisco, the US, and around the world.

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Labor History: The Waterfront Strike Of 1901 Re-Enactment

Turn the clock back to 1901, when the park’s Living History players re-enact San Francisco’s waterfront strike. Representatives from labor and management will argue for and against the strike, followed by a march along Hyde Street Pier with picket signs.

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The Building & Labor Struggles at Fort Point

Walk with Matthew Britten (Fort Point Guide)
Participants of the walk will learn about the construction of Fort Point and Alcatraz through the eyes of the those who did the work.

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Workers and Voices Against Fascism – Revolutionary Poetry Brigade

Join poets, musicians, and artists, who will speak and sing out against fascism. The rise of fascism is also a threat to unions and working people as it divides the working people and pits them against each other.

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Coit Tower Mural Walk

With Peter O’Driscoll and Harvey Smith
They were being painted during the time of the 1934 general strike in San Francisco. At the time of their installation, an organized effort was made to destroy them because of their leftist themes. The artists and their supporters had to physically defend the site.

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Labor Maritime History Boat Tour

Join the best labor maritime boat trip in the world as we go to historical sites on the bay and the Oakland container port. We will hear about our working class history, and how the SF General Strike helped shape the character of San Francisco and the Bay Area.

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1919: 100th Anniversary of Seattle General Strike

With Robert Orvetz, Gifford Hartman
This year is the 100th anniversary of the Seattle General Strike. The Seattle General Strike started on Thursday, February 6, 2019. On February 7, US troops entered Seattle.

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Brother Outsider

Film - Long before Martin Luther King, Jr. became a national figure, Bayard Rustin routinely put his body — and his life — on the line as a crusader for racial justice. The compelling new film Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin chronicles Rustin’s complex life story, a tale of race, prejudice, and idealism at the heart of 20th century America.

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Privatization, the Port of Oakland and Labor

San Francisco used to be the largest port in Northern California. Over the last forty years, it has become a tourist trap instead of a working port. Is the same thing in store for the Port of Oakland?

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On the Job Safety and Injury Prevention for Musicians

American Federation of Musicians AFM Local 6 invites members to a free workshop on musician’s workplace health. Dr. Jeremy Stanek who specializes in workplace injury/health and wellness specifically for gigging musicians will make a presentation followed by discussion.

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The Nightmare Transit Gridlock, Workers, Privatization and Mass Transit

Can it get any worse? That is the question working people are asking about the transit crisis and grinding gridlock.
The forum will look at the reason for the transit gridlock, how it effecting public transit workers, the public and the environment.

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9th Annual SF Living Wage Coalition Awards Dinner

The San Francisco Living Wage Coalition's 9th annual awards dinner. Honorees: Labor Woman of the year award to Denise D'Anne, Labor Man of the year award - Dave Welsh.

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Sorry To Bother You

Film - The future is here and it isn’t pretty, is part of the story in Boots Riley’s “Sorry To Bother You”. Young workers in the tech economy face a dire state, and this film shows how with ideology of capitalism, that you as an individual, can make it even if you have to run over other workers.

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WPA Berkeley Walk

Walk with Harvey Smith
This walk will explore the “New Deal nexus” in Berkeley that includes Berkeley High School, the Community Theater, Civic Center Park, Post Office art, the old UC Press Building, and the old Farm Credit Building.

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SF Waterfront Labor History Walk 1835-1934

With Peter O’Driscoll (IBEW), Laurence Shoup (UAW-NWU)
The walk will focus on the maritime industry from 1835 until the burning of the blue book in 1934. Also, labor historian Larry Shoup will discuss the history of the 1901 transportation workers strike led by the Teamsters, which the San Francisco police attempted, but failed, to smash.

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San Bruno Mountain Wilderness Walk

Walk with Paul Bouscal
In 1968, David Schooley chained himself to a bulldozer at the foot of the San Bruno Mountain. The activism of David and many other community members was crucial in protecting much of the mountain, allowing for the creation of a public park.

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Press Freedom, Whistleblowers and the Case of Assange, Manning and Carmody

This forum will look at the issue of who is a journalist and the right of journalists to do their work. Although Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has been a member of the Australian MEEA’s Media section since 2007, and this is the trade union that represents Australia media workers, the media, however, continue to argue that he is not a journalist and does not deserve to be protected.

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Tom Mooney and Preparedness Day Bombing Walk

With Gifford Hartman, David Duckworth
During this walking tour, we visit several sites, which were integral to the unfolding of events following a bomb explosion on Steuart Street at Market Street on July 22, 1916. The tour lasts approximately two hours.

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Loretta Starvus Stack, Communist Organizer, Community Gardener, and Her Fight for Rights of Free Speech

With Evelyn Rose, Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project
Loretta Starvus Stack, Communist organizer and founder of Crags Court Community Gardens played a key role in the clarification of the intent of the Alien Registration Act that originally denied First Amendment rights to those choosing to discuss the overthrow of the Federal government.

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SF Forum-The Future Of Work: Automated & Uberized & AB 5

This panel will discuss the advance of California Assembly Bill 5 impacting the rights of worker and corporate abuses being exaserbated by tech platforms.

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Giving Voice: LaborFest Writers’ Anthology 2005 – 2019

We will read from our recently released works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Come hear stories about the lives and struggles of laborers, farmers, cooks, coal miners, and others from around the world.

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The Revolution That Wasn’t: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatism – Book reading

Book reading by Jen Schradie on "The Revolution That Wasn't: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatism"
This surprising study of online political mobilization shows that money and organizational sophistication influence politics online as much as off, and casts doubt on the democratizing power of digital activism.

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Teacher Strike Wave – Panel

A recent wave of strikes, rallies, and wildcat actions led by teachers across the country have drawn attention to the most urgent issues faced by students and educators. This panel seeks to tell the stories of local teachers and parent activists, many of whom have been underreported or ignored by the mainstream media.

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OSHA Whistleblowers, Workers & Public Safety

There is a crisis in our state and national OSHA system. Workers who speak up about their health and safety and the dangers to the public are being bullied and terminated. We will hear from whistleblowers and the connection between the protection of OSHA whistleblowers and public health and safety.

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Labor Strikes & the California Railroads

Join us for presentations that focus on important labor strikes that occurred during the building of the Transcontinental Railroad and those that followed. California was the second most important center of this nationwide strike, which saw armed workers take over sections of the Southern Pacific line in the state.

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The French Yellow Vest Movement

Since November of 2018, there have been weekly protests in France.
Come and hear a presentation by Camille Chauchat, a French school teacher and an activist and participant in the Yellow Vest Movement in Lyons, France.

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The Teachers’ Protest

Film - 1942. Occupied Norway. Teachers must join the Nazi Teachers’ League and teach Nazi ideas in their classrooms. 8,000 of them write protest letters. The Nazi government arrests 1000 male teachers and sends them to prison camps, 300 miles above the Arctic Circle. The education system is in chaos and now the battle begins.

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Labor + The Environment=True Love

A discussion focused on the present and historical connection between the labor and environmental movements.

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Charters, Co-locations & Privatization of Public Schools

This educational conference will look at the history of charters, how they are destroying public education and what teachers are doing to fight back to defend our public school system.

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Treasure Island: Build It and They Will Come – Organized Labor at the Golden Gate International Exposition

By Harvey Smith
From the first scoops of Bay mud to the final coat of paint applied to the buildings of the Golden Gate International Exposition, organized labor was there.

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City College Public Art Walk

Walk with Amy O’Hair
City College of San Francisco Ocean Campus was planned and built to include art works by WPA artists. See the numerous works and hear stories of the artists who created them. We’ll visit all the major pieces and some hidden treasures that need restoration.

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Oakland 1946 General Strike Walk

Walk with Gifford Hartman
This walk will revisit the sites of Oakland’s “Work Holiday” that spontaneously began with rank-and-file solidarity with the striking, mostly women retail clerks at Kahn’s and Hastings department stores, where picket lines were broken by police-escorted scabs.

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Keep Hope Alive! Moving Forward in Challenging Times

Music by The Rockin’ Solidarity Chorus
Featuring tunes old and new in four-part harmony, the show focuses on inspiring individuals and the movements that unite them.

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Labor Politics and Architecture of San Francisco

Walk with Brad Wiedmaier
In this history-by-the-buildings walk, Brad Wiedmaier will outline artifacts and events, and their connections to San Francisco’s past and present.

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The Fight Against Monsanto’s Roundup: The Politics of Pesticides

Book reading by Mitchel Cohen
Cohen looks at the politics behind the pesticide chemical industry, and why it is not being held accountable.

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Freedom Isn’t Free

Film - The promise of the fight for a free South Africa and against the apartheid regime was partly contained in the Freedom Charter. This film looks at what happened to the promise and how the fight for equality and full human rights were subverted by a government that bowed down to the IMF and World Bank. Following this film there will be a discussion.

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Workers Building San Francisco & The Salesforce Skyscraper

Slides presentation by Joseph Blum
Joseph Blum is one of the leading national photographers of building trades workers and their talent and skills. His latest work is the construction of the Salesforce skyscraper.

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Film – Metro Ladies Blues, Film- Phansi, Down with Labour Brokers

films - "Metro Ladies Blues" - This is a story of non-permanent workers at underground subway kiosks fighting for union.
"Phansi, Down with Labour Brokers" - In South Africa, the condition of working class is captured through the eyes of Jacob, whose life is transformed from unfair dismissal

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Closing Party!

This is the 26th year of LaborFest! Please join us to celebrate the last day of LaborFest 2019. Bring a contribution of food and/or beverage for potluck, or instrument for the open mic.

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